
Appointments Guide
A comprehensive look at the options available for the Appointment field, used to accept appointments and bookings on your form. You can also connect a calendar to control your availability and create calendar events.
Are calculations shown to the user?
Calculations are hidden by default, but you can make them visible.
Calculations Cheat Sheet
This page features examples of some of the most popular calculations for selected plans.
Can I add or remove fields in the address question?
You can only add or remove the Zip/Postal Code field. All other subfields cannot be added or removed; however, you can rename them using Translations.
Can I change the format of a date question?
The format of a date question is determined by the "Order of date" option. Begin by configuring your Date question, and in the Configuration Panel modify the "Order of date" option.
Can I change the placeholder of a Date question from "DD / MM / YYYY" to another format?
By default, the placeholder for a Date question is "DD / MM / YYYY." This can be set to a specific date or the current day in the question's configuration panel.
Can I check availability on and make bookings on multiple calendars?
You can check availability and make bookings using multiple calendars by toggling "Connect multiple calendars" in your Appointment field's configuration. This is only supported on select pricing plans.
Can I control how many columns multiple choice answers are spread across?
You can spread your multiple-choice options across up to five columns within the Configuration Panel.
Can I customize how products are displayed?
You can display products in one of three layouts: List, Card, or Gallery.
Can I hide the prices shown on each product?
Yes, click the Product field and select "Choose Layout" from the configuration panel. Then toggle "Hide product prices."
Can I include a yes or no question?
You can add a Yes / No question type by changing the question type manually or using the /yes / no shortcut.
Can I let customers buy more than one product or choose more than one subscription plan?
Yes, in the question's configuration, toggle "Can choose more than one" or "Can buy more than one."
Can I let submitters choose multiple answers for a multiple-choice or dropdown question?
Yes, simply toggle "Can choose more than one answer" in the question's configuration. This works for both multiple-choice and dropdown questions.
Can I let the user type in their own answer for a multiple-choice or dropdown question?
Yes, for both question types. Toggle "Include an 'Other' option to specify another answer" in the question's configuration.
Can I limit or specify the number of digits allowed for the answer to a Number field?
Somewhat; you can set a maximum value.
Can I limit the number of characters for a response?
Yes, you can set the minimum number of characters, the maximum number of characters, or both.
Can I limit the number of options that can be chosen for a Dropdown question?
You can allow multiple answers to a Dropdown question, but you can't specify a minimum or maximum number (you can with Multiple Choice).
Can I limit the number of options that can be chosen for a Multiple Choice?
Yes, you can configure a Multiple Choice question to set a minimum and/or maximum number of selected answers.
Can I make a question for URLs?
Yes, just choose "URL" as the question type.
Can I prevent double bookings when people make appointments?
Yes, just connect at least one calendar in order to ensure there's an available slot.
Can I require only "yes" to a yes or no question?
No, not directly.
Can I require only dates in the past or future?
Yes, toggle the corresponding setting for dates in the past or future. If you want to allow both dates in the past and future, leave both toggled off.
Can I restrict the country in the address question?
You can set restrict the country field within an address question by enabling the field configuration option "Restrict addresses to a country". You can then select the desired country using the dropdown menu.
Can I restrict users to upload certain file types only?
By default, submitters can upload any file type to a file upload question. You can restrict this to certain file extensions in the question's configuration.
Can I restrict which colors a submitter can pick with the color picker?
Yes, toggle "Allow swatches only" on in the question's configuration.
Can I select multiple dates using one date question?
No, only one date can be entered per date question.
Can I set a description for each multiple-choice option (not just its option title)?
It is not currently possible to set a description for individual Multiple Choice question options.
Can I show just a calendar for a date question?
Yes, select "Calendar" under the "Type of date input" in the question's configuration panel.
Can I use answer piping to add answers to multiple-choice or dropdown questions?
Multiple Choice and Dropdown fields can only be pre-filled, they cannot set their options using Answer Piping.
Can Multiple Choice options have images?
Yes, toggle "Add images to the options" on and then choose an image for each option (or leave any blank).
Can a user type in their own price (for example, donation or pay-what-you-want)?
Yes, toggle "Question is read only" to Off in the price question's configuration.
Can all questions and fields have a default answer?
The questions or fields that do not permit a default answer are number, address, appointments, image upload, file upload, signature, and calculation. All others permit a default answer.
Can my audience upload files to Paperform forms, and how do I make that happen?
Yes, you can add a File Upload or Image Upload question to your form.
Can users directly capture and upload a picture from their mobile device into a form?
On mobile devices, an Image Upload will prompt the submitter to either upload an existing photo or take a new one.
Creating Terms & Conditions Questions
The slash command /terms can be used to create a question for T&Cs with a simple "I agree" checkbox that must be ticked to continue.
Do you have a scale question and how do I add it to my form?
You can add a scale question to your form using the slash command "/scale", or by changing the type of your question to "Scale" using the dropdown menu provided.
How can I insert a checkbox?
Use the “Multiple Choice” question type, and toggle on “Can choose more than one answer” under the question’s configuration.
How can I let respondents provide a rating?
You can use a rating question to let respondents provide a rating. You can even choose the type of icon for the rating or upload your own.
How can I specify certain color swatches for the Color Picker field?
You can configure a Color Picker question to add or remove swatches from the preset list of options.
How do I add a Country field to my form?
On a blank line, type "/country" and select "Country" from the popup menu, or click "Add questions" and select "Country" from the question dropdown.
How do I add a URL field?
On a blank line, type "/url" and select "URL" from the popup menu, or click "Add questions" and select "URL" from the question dropdown.
How do I add a Yes/No question to my form?
On a blank line, type "/yes" or "/no" and select "Yes / No" from the popup menu, or click "Add questions" and select "Yes / No" from the question dropdown.
How do I add a dropdown field to my form?
On a blank line, type "/dropdown" and select "Dropdown" from the popup menu, or click "Add questions" and select "Dropdown" from the question dropdown.
How do I add a long text question field quickly?
On a blank line in the form editor, type "/long" and select "Text (Long)" from the dropdown menu.
How do I add a matrix question?
You can add a matrix question by changing the question type manually or using the /matrix command.
How do I add a name question field quickly?
On a blank line in the form editor, type "/name" and select "Name" from the dropdown menu.
How do I add a number question to my form?
On a blank line, type "/number" and select "Number" from the popup menu, or click "Add questions" and select "Number" from the question dropdown.
How do I add a phone number field to my form?
On a blank line, type "/phone" and select "Phone Number" from the popup menu, or click "Add questions" and select "Phone Number" from the question dropdown.
How do I add a question to my form?
Click on an empty line, and choose "Add questions" from the options to the left of the line.
How do I add a question with radio buttons quickly?
On a blank line, type "/radio" and select "Radio Buttons" from the dropdown menu.
How do I add a rank question to my form?
You can add a Ranking field to your form by adding a new field and selecting the type "Rank".
How do I add a slider question?
On a blank line, type "/slider" and select "Slider" from the popup menu, or click "Add questions" and select "Slider" from the question dropdown.
How do I add an e-signature to my form?
You can capture e-signatures on selected plans with the Signature field. To use this feature, begin by creating a new question field, then change the type to "Signature" using the dropdown list provided.
How do I add multiple choice questions to my form?
On a blank line, type "/multiple" and select "Multiple Choice" from the popup menu, or click "Add questions" and select "Multiple Choice" from the question dropdown.
How do I add or remove subscription plans?
In a Subscription question's configuration, click on a plan to move it from "Available Plans" to "Selected Plans" or vice-versa.
How do I make the answer to a text question take up more than one line?
Navigate to the text question's configuration and toggle on Allow multiple lines of text, then set the number of lines desired.
How do I prevent users from entering decimals in a number field?
Toggle on "Answer must be a whole number" in the configuration for the number question.
How do I randomize the option order for a Multiple-Choice or Dropdown question?
Simply toggle "Randomize option order" on/off in the question configuration.
How does the address field work and how do I add one?
On a blank line, type "/address" and select "Address" from the popup menu, or click "Add questions" and select "Address" from the question dropdown.
How does the color picker work and what does it look like?
On a blank line, type "/color" and select "Color Picker" from the popup menu, or click "Add questions" and select "Color Picker" from the question dropdown.
Is Google Address Search available on address fields?
We support searching for and suggesting addresses using Google's services for fields using the type "Address" (or "Address fields"), available with specific pricing plans.
Is it possible to choose multiple countries in the country question?
Only one country can be selected per Country field on your forms, although you may be able to create your own selection options using a Dropdown or Multiple Choice field instead.
Is there a way to show users a thumbnail of the image they uploaded?
A thumbnail is automatically shown if it's a single image. Otherwise, the file name is shown for each upload with no preview.
What are date fields, and how do I use one?
With a Date Selector field, you can ask your submitters to type a specific date or select a date from the dropdown calendar.
What are the formatting options for phone numbers and can I validate them?
You can format numbers as US or AU numbers or a custom format.
What can I modify about an address question?
You can modify restrictions surrounding the postal code and country.
What do Time fields look like, and how do I add one to my form?
Use a Time field to ask your audience to enter a precise time.
What is a hidden field?
A hidden field or question is a type of field that is hidden from the user, but contains info relevant to the submission. Various methods exist for how hidden fields can be used on your forms, some more advanced than others.
What types of questions or fields does Paperform offer?
There are 27 fields available with Paperform forms, plus some additional controls that govern them.
Why are answers to the country question not the full country's name in submissions?
By default, answers to the country question use the country's two-character ISO code. You can toggle an option to force those answers to be the country's full name.
Will a user ever see a hidden field?
No, a user will never see a hidden field. If you use pre-filling to set that field's value, they can see what you put in the URL, though.