Jobs at Paperform

About Paperform

Paperform is a Sydney based SaaS company that provides tools to help people and businesses easily create beautiful online forms (check out Our aim is to democratize digital creation. Paperform launched in late 2016, and now has over 6,000 paying customers. We’re a small agile team, but we’re growing fast!

The Paperform editor is all about easily creating forms that embody your project or business, sharing those with your community, and taking payments without fuss. How are we different to other form builders? We empower people to beautifully represent their brand on fully customized and powerful forms.

Working for us

We’re a completely remote team - to work for us you just need a stable internet connection, a passion for getting stuff done, and outstanding communication skills. We use tools like Slack for communication and Asana for project management. For this role, it would be awesome if you lived in the Sydney area so we can catch up once and awhile, but not a dealbreaker if you don’t.

We have a few core values and expectations: empathy and kindness, that you be detail oriented, autonomous, know the product inside-out, and work creatively. We like to spend a minimal amount of time in meetings, and execute tasks and strategies at lightning speed.

Open Roles

There are no roles open currently at Paperform.