15 onboarding form templates to streamline your hiring

/ 8 min read
Eliza Frakes

Hiring new employees is a thrilling sign of growth for any business, but the process can often be overwhelming. From scheduling interviews to finalising the deal, the tasks pile up.

That's where these 15 onboarding form templates come in. Whether you’re welcoming new employees, clients, patients, or collaborators, these templates are designed to help you streamline the process, save time, and make the intake experience as smooth and professional as possible.

1. New client onboarding form

new client onboarding form

This new client onboarding form is the perfect tool for streamlining the hiring process. It'd be a great option for companies that work with freelance writers or editors, or agencies looking to represent a new client.

The template is pre-stocked with the fields you need to gather contact information and collect any queries your new client might have. Thanks to our design tools, it’s easy to hop into the editor and change up those text blocks to reflect your business and position.

"I do all of my onboarding forms for clients and my community through Paperform," says freelance operations consultant, Sara Loreta. "It's great.

It used to take me six hours for client onboarding, costing about a thousand dollars of my time. Now, I've got it down to 15 minutes. It's honestly wild how much you can get done with a Paperform and conditional logic.

Read the full case study: How SYSTMS™ cut client onboarding from 6 hours to 15 minutes with Paperform

2. Client questionnaire

client questionnaire

This client questionnaire is designed specifically for marketing agencies, though it could easily be adapted to fit any business looking to hire outside consultants.

The template asks potential clients about their company, goals, and current marketing strategy. Once you gather this info, you and your colleagues will be prepared to decide if and how you two could work together. It’s like a meet and greet without the fuss of actually meeting and greeting.

Want to make it even more interactive? Add conditional logic and use it as a quiz funnel. You can direct clients to specific branches of your business based on how they respond to the questionnaire.

3. New employee registration form

employee information form

Once you’ve found that perfect candidate, it’s important to seal the deal with a streamlined, professional hiring process. This new employee registration form is the perfect starting point. It gathers all the personal details you need to get your new employee registered and started with your business.

Make use of our direct integration with Google Sheets to populate a worksheet with all these details automatically.

No matter how many new employees you welcome, you can be sure their details will be stored in one easy-to-access spreadsheet, which means no more tracking down start paperwork via email. Your HR team will thank you.

4. Employee onboarding form

Employee Onboarding Form

Like the last template, this form helps you gather all the information you need about your new employee. It’s a great way to make the hiring process a little easier, and avoid the heaps of paperwork that usually come with starting a new job.

This template makes use of Guided Mode, which displays your form questions one at a time. Breaking up the form like this makes it super easy to read and fill out, which means less headache for your (probably overwhelmed) new hire.

Important: Add a few pages of text or images that help outline your company culture and personality.

5. Training request form

training request form

This form is the perfect way for employees to ask for some new training, whether that’s a course on a skill they’d like to acquire or the opportunity to shadow a more experienced member of the team.

It's 100% customisable, so you could outline what kind of training your company supports, or even include examples of how previous employees have made use of the opportunity.

Paperform helps us by collecting data to truly under stand our customers at the onboarding and sign up stages, automating a 30 minute interview into a 4 minute form.

— Ron Story Jr, from PitchDB. Read the case study.

6. Interview evaluation form

interview evaluation form

Interviewing is one of the more time-consuming elements of the hiring process. While invaluable, it takes a lot of time and energy to sort through all of your applicants and find that perfect addition. When you’re chatting with a dozen people an hour, it’s easy to lose track of who’s who.

Enter: the interview evaluation form. Just open up this form on your laptop while you’re conducting interviews, and jot down the notes you need. Paperform will sort each response so you can go back and view your notes for each candidate.

We recommend setting this template up with our Slack integration, that way your notes will be shared in the relevant channel automatically after each interview.

7. Previous employment verification form

previous employment verification form

Before you make that final decision on your new hire, you want to make sure you’ve dotted your I’s and crossed your T’s. Double-checking your applicant’s previous employment is a necessary (but tedious) part of that process.

This template makes it easier. Just send it to your applicants, gather their previous employer’s contact info, and you’re good to go.

You can set up automatic emails to have a custom message sent to the previous employer asking them about the applicant’s work history. Verification handled—without any extra work from you.

8. Patient intake form

patient intake form template

This template is geared specifically toward those working in medicine who are looking for an easy, professional way to gather new patient information. Hop into the editor to add your practice's branding, and you’re ready to send it to clients.

Looking to cut down on paperwork in the office? Link your patient intake form to a QR code and post it in the waiting room. Patients can fill it out easily on their devices (thanks to our automatic mobile optimisation) and your team can access the responses in real-time.

9. Counseling intake form

counseling intake form

Like the patient intake form, this counselling intake template is perfect for gathering all the information you need from new patients. This one is geared specifically toward therapists, counsellors, and psychiatrists.

The first page of the template collects all the contact information you need, while the second gets into questions about emotional and mental health. You could easily adjust the questions to include a quiz that gauges depression or anxiety according to the DSM-3 or dives into family or medical history.

10. Freelancer job application form

freelance job application form

For any company working with freelancers, this template is a huge time saver. Use it to gather all the information you need about a potential freelancer, like their contact info, their rates, and links to their past work.

Whether you’re looking for writers, videographers, marketing strategists, or editors, there’s a freelancer who can help. Send the form directly to potential workers, or embed it on your website and let the workers come to you.

11. Client intake form

client intake form

If you work in a business that sells services, working with new clients is a part of your regular workflow. You need a way to learn who they are, understand what they need from your business, and determine if it’s going to be a good fit.

Rather than getting to know them through an endless back-and-forth email chain, send over this Paperform and let them fill it out on their own time. It’s stocked with all the questions you need to get to know your client better, like their past work experiences and who referred them to your business.

To make the intake process even easier, you can connect the form with Sheets or your CRM to have responses gathered and stored across platforms automatically.

Looking for a form builder that can handle anything you throw at it?

Paperform is the versatile solution you've been looking for.

12. Employee coaching form

employee coaching form

Like the training request form, this template is designed to help business owners teach new hires how to be as successful as possible in their new position. You can use it to outline your employee coaching tactics, plan of action, and desired outcome.

It’s a great way to set initial goals, but it’s even more powerful as a recurring tool. Open up the form every time you hop on a call for employee coaching, and fill out the form at the end of the 1:1 to track progress and keep your notes organised. After a few months of training, you’ll have a detailed analysis of exactly how the employee has grown.

13. Scheduling form

scheduling form

If there’s one thing guaranteed for almost any new hire, it’s going to a boatload of meetings. Between training sessions and get-to-know-you calls, your new employee will be busy. Having an easy, efficient way to schedule those meetings will save everyone a headache.

You can use this template to schedule any kind of meeting, like 1:1s with the team or check-in sessions with your HR department. Integrate it with your calendar app of choice to display up-to-date availability, and mark meetings on your calendar automatically.

14. Employee availability form

employee availability form

Like the scheduling form, this employee availability form is a great way to get a better sense of your new hire’s timeline. It’s especially useful for part-time workers who may have other commitments, or for working parents who need to block out time to pick up their kids from school.

Instead of navigating multiple calendars, just send out this form to find out when your new employee is available. You can add any blackout dates provided to the team calendar so nobody books a call during Timmy’s soccer practice.

15. New customer form

new customer form

As most business owners know, locking in a customer is only half the battle. Once you get that sign-up, you want to keep them happy. Maintaining a detailed, up-to-date database of your customers is a great way to do that.

This new customer form template is perfect for gathering those details and keeping them safe. With Paperform’s answer piping and automatic emails, you can have custom welcome emails sent to each customer as soon as they fill out the form.

Connect it with a tool like monday.com, to keep customer profiles and tasks updated and organised automatically.

Make the hiring process easier with Paperform and Papersign

Whether you’re running a SaaS business, an ecommerce store, or a counselling office, Paperform can make it easier. With over 650+ templates to choose from, this list only scratches the surface.

But what if you could take it one step further? What if your document handling and signing process could be just as seamless as the rest of your onboarding? That's where Papersign comes into play.

Papersign, our new eSignature platform, is designed to save you time, eliminate the hassle of physical documents, and significantly speed up your hiring process.

With an intuitive interface and seamless integration into your existing workflows, Papersign brings the future of document management to your fingertips. No more waiting for couriers, no more lost paperwork, just fast, secure, and legally binding eSignatures. Sign up free today.

About the author
Eliza Frakes
Paperform Contributor
Eliza Frakes is a freelance copywriter. When she’s not writing for the Paperform blog, she’s probably writing a play (or acting in one), swimming in the ocean, or taking her very cute dog on a hike.

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