Mentor Evaluation Form Template

Is your mentoring program working? One essential requirement for all mentoring programs is the ability to measure their success. Incorporating a mentor evaluation form into your program ensures you fulfill your goals. It's essential.

To begin with, figure out what kind of feedback you are looking to collect. When creating the incident report forms, pay attention to the following form fields:

  • Use the Text Field to collect information like the full names of your responders and descriptions of the incident.
  • Use the Multiple Choice to collect data that is easy to analyse.
  • Use the Slider to gather faster, more interactive ways to evaluate on a numerical scale.
  • Matrix to display multiple scale questions in a user-friendly way. These display best on the desktop.

You can ensure that your form looks good with Paperform's powerful editor. In the Theme settings, you can change the colours, fonts, background, images and customise the look of the UI elements like a navigation bar.

Have fun creating with Paperform!