Accident Report Form Template

Depending on your industry, your company might be obliged to keep track of any accidents that might be happening with its property or employees.

Reporting such incidents online is much faster and more convenient than on paper. Anyone in your organisation could fill out that simple online form providing details like what type of an accident when it happened, and where. You might also add more fields to collect additional details.

Check out another accident report form template here: Incident Report Form Template.

To learn more about the best practices for creating incident reports, check out this guide on Paperform's blog: How To Create An Incident Report (Best Practices & Templates) .

Accident Report Form Template FAQs

1. How to fill out an accident report form

2. What are the 4 types of incident reports?

3. Do I need an incident or accident report?

4. Can I customise my accident report form template?

5. Are all accident report form features free