How do I integrate with Klaviyo?

With the Klaviyo direct integration, it is now easy to integrate your forms.


We support the following action(s):

  • Add Email Address to List
  • Add Phone Number to List

Connect your Klaviyo account

  1. From the form editor, go to After Submission → Integrations & Webhooks.

  2. Under "Direct Integratons" select "Klaviyo".

    Screenshot of the "Klaviyo" button as it appears under After Submission → Integrations & Webhooks → Direct Integrations.
  3. Select an action.

  4. Click "Add Account +" and follow the prompts to connect your Klaviyo account.

  5. If successful, your account will be connected and automatically selected in the action.

  6. Continue setting up your action, if desired.

You can rename or remove your Klaviyo account at any time in your account settings.

Set up an integration action

Let's cover adding an email address to a list.

Add email address to list

For required fields, you must select:

  • List – Choose the list you want to add the email address to upon submission.
  • Email – Choose the email address you want to add to the above list. This will almost certainly be a field from the form.

Optionally, you may set other details about the profile corresponding to email address, including, but not limited to:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Phone number
  • Etc.


Usage of SMS

  • Initial setup
    Klaviyo requires that you initially set up a number with them to utilize SMS.
  • Supported countries
    Mobile numbers from US, CA, GB, and AU only are permitted.

You are responsible for collecting explicit consent for SMS.

Mobile number recognition

We take steps to ensure that mobile numbers from US, CA, GB, or AU are recognized appropriately in various possible formats.

However, if you want to force a phone number to be considered for a specific country, you may add a comma to the end of your phone number and then the two-letter code.

For example, to always treat a number as if it's from Australia, you would use something like

{{ phone_key }}, AU

Location-based profile details

While you may set location details for profiles in the action's configuration, Klaviyo may override location-based profile details based on IP geolocation or other factors. Paperform does not have control over their process.


If you want to be able to do more with Klaviyo, let us know at