Time Tracking Form Template

If you're looking to streamline the process of tracking employees' working time in your organization, you've landed on the right page. Here at Paperform, we created this time tracking form template for that exact purpose.

Check out the embedded version below to see how it works. As you see, this form has only two pages. The first page contains the description of the form, and the second page collects the actual time tracking information. The responders might add one or more time entries. If the question "Would you like to add another entry?" is answered affirmatively, the whole block of questions is duplicated and appears below. The "Total Hours Worked" is calculated automatically and gets displayed on the form's final page.

To make this form yours, click the button "Use this template" below. You might then easily theme it to your liking and customize the form fields. Should you have any struggles with calculations, check out this helpful guide, or reach out to our team through the live chat.