
Can I add a progress bar to my form?
You can add a progress bar in Theme → UI Elements → Pagination Buttons → Pagination Style, and choose Progress Bar.
Can I add numbers to the page buttons?
You can add numbers to your pagination buttons in the Theme & Appearance settings.
Can I align images or have multiple images on one line?
Natively, we allow one image per line and alignment of images for forms must be done through Custom CSS.
Can I change or edit the color of the placeholder text?
Changing the color of placeholder text is only possible on specific pricing plans with custom CSS.
Can I change the font size beyond just H1 and H2?
On specific pricing plans, you can add a custom font style to your form and apply it to specific text.
Can I change the font size of the multiple-choice question answers?
It is not possible to change the font size of Multiple-Choice options without using custom CSS. Custom CSS is available only on specific pricing plans.
Can I change the style of my pagination buttons?
You can change the styling of your form's pagination buttons under Theme & Appearance → UI Elements → Pagination Buttons.
Can I change the transparency on my background video?
You can adjust the transparency of your background video within Theme & Appearance → UI Elements → Background by modifying the Overlay Color.
Can I change transparency of the background image?
You can adjust the transparency of your background image within Theme & Appearance → UI Elements → Background by modifying the Overlay Color.
Can I create my own theme and use it across all my forms?
You can use your own theme across all your forms.
Can I customize typography?
On specific pricing plans, you can create a Custom Style and apply it to the text on your form.
Can I edit my images?
Paperform provides tools to edit your uploaded images within the form editor. You can find the option for editing images by first uploading your image, and then select the pencil icon from the styling toolbar.
Can I fully customize the language and wording of forms, including the UI & buttons?
You can create, edit, and manage all of your translations under Account Settings → Translations. You can then apply these to forms from Theme & Appearance.
Can I have a background video?
You can add a background video to your form under Theme & Appearance → UI Elements → Background.
Can I have different background images for each question?
No, a background image cannot be set for individual questions. The background image you set will apply to all the questions and pages.
Can I have multiple languages supported for one form?
Paperform doesn't support multiple translations for one form. However, you could create a workaround as outlined in this article.
Can I hyperlink images?
Yes, you can hyperlink an image by selecting the image and choosing the link icon.
Can I remove the white background from my questions?
You can toggle the background and shadow of questions in the Theme & Appearance editor.
Can I style the submit button for the "One-at-a-time" form experience?
When using Paperform's "One-at-a-time" form experience (previously Guided Mode), the Submit Button options slightly differ from the "Classic" form experience. The available options can be found under Theme & Appearance → UI Elements → Submit Button.
Can I update the answer text font color?
You can change the font color of typed answers under Theme → Typography → Answers.
Custom CSS Cheat Sheet
We cover some examples of custom CSS to illustrate the expressiveness of styling your form with this powerful feature available on select plans.
Custom CSS Selectors
You can customize most items using Custom CSS, which is available on specific pricing plans.
Does Paperform support non-English character translations and RTL languages for forms?
Yes, Paperform provides non-English and RTL language support for forms through translations.
How big should my form icon be?
The icon for your form should be at least 512 x 512 pixels.
How can I change color for the question fields in my form?
Change the color of the question box with custom CSS or remove the background and shadow to match your color palette.
How can I change the Active Color?
You can change the Active color from the Theme & Appearance menu, which is accessible in the Question panel.
How can I change the background color?
You can change your background color in Theme & Appearance Settings.
How can I change the colors on my form?
You can change the colors of your form in the Theme & Appearance Configuration Panel.
How can I create auto-advance multi-step forms?
Guided Mode allows you to create forms that display one question at a time and automatically turn the page after each question is answered.
How do I add a background image to my form?
Go to Theme & Appearance → UI Elements → Background → Background Image and upload an image.
How do I add images to a form?
On a blank line, type "/image" and select "Image" from the popup menu, or click "Add picture."
How do I add images to products?
To add showcase images to products, click the Question field → Navigate to the Question Panel → Click on the "Manage Products" button → Click on the "Add Images +" button → Select the image for the product.
How do I add or remove the 'X questions to go' message on the submit button?
From the form editor, go to Theme & Appearance → UI Elements → Submit Button and toggle the "Displays 'X questions to go' message" on or off.
How do I add placeholder or help text to guide my customers?
You can add descriptive help text either in the description of the question or as placeholder text in your question's configuration settings.
How do I add text to the pagination buttons?
We don't support adding text to the page buttons, but it can be achieved using custom CSS.
How do I change Address field wording to reflect how my country writes addresses?
You can change the language for the Address sub-fields by creating a custom translation under Theme & Appearance → Translations.
How do I change the fonts in my form?
Navigate to Theme & Appearance → Typography in your form editor to manage the fonts displayed on your form.
How do I change the submit button wording and styling?
You can change the wording and the styling of the Submit Button under Theme (upper-left) → UI Elements → Submit Button in the form editor.
How do I hide the total price on the submit and next page buttons?
Total price will be displayed by default in the submit and next page buttons. Either or both can be toggled off under Theme → UI Elements.
How do I put my questions side by side instead of one at a time?
You can place questions into columns of two at a time by going to each Question Panel and toggling on the "Make one of two columns" option.
How do I remove the asterisk from required questions?
This can be disabled by navigating to the Theme & Appearance Configuration Panel → and toggling off Required questions are indicated with an asterisk (*).
How do I select a translation for a specific form?
Once you've created your translation in your Accounts Settings, you can select a translation for each specific form.
How do I upload my Adobe Creative Cloud images to my form?
You can add these images by using one of a couple methods: adding an image from the editor options or using slash commands.
How do I use my Adobe Creative Cloud colours on my form?
You can connect your Adobe® Creative Cloud Libraries to your Paperform account, and your colors may be selected by heading to Theme Editor.
One-at-a-time Mode Overview
One-at-a-time Mode lets you create forms and surveys that display one question at a time, making your forms more conversational and giving submitters a more closely-guided experience.
Theme & Appearance Overview
A comprehensive look at how you can change your form’s design, look, and feel.
View how my form will display from a tablet or mobile device
View how my form will display from a tablet or mobile device to ensure that the form appears as intended from multiple devices.
What are Custom 1, 2, 3, and 4 in the Palette section under Theme & Appearance?
Custom colors are a palette of colors you can choose and then use across your form without having to remember the colors you set initially.
What are the proper size and dimensions for the background image of a form?
To ensure the best quality across all devices, we recommend images are at least 1500 to 2500 pixels wide.
What can I do with custom CSS?
Custom CSS provides fine-grained control over the styling on the page, including spacing, alignment, positioning, and lots more!
Which fonts does Paperform support?
We currently support Google Fonts, as well as other fonts you'd like to implement using Custom CSS.
Why are some font characters not displaying correctly on my form?
By default, forms don't load additional character subsets from Google Fonts required for languages other than English. You can manually enable these character subsets by using a Custom Translation on your forms.