Realtor Referral Form Template

It's a common practice in the real estate industry to refer clients to other real estate agents. If you're well-connected in the industry, have a steady stream of incoming leads, and yet cannot handle all of the business yourself — it's a perfect option for you. A referring realtor usually receives a commission from every successful deal that they helped to facilitate, making it a win-win set-up for all the involved parties. The referrer receives the commission, the client gets to work with a trustworthy agent, and the referred agent collects his percentage from the transaction.

If you want to significantly simplify the realtor referral process, you might use an online form like the one below. The referring realtor might fill out the details of all the involved parties, set up an automatic email notification, and voilà — both the client and the referred agent are connected via email and have all the context regarding their future cooperation.

To make this realtor referral form template yours, simply click the button "Use this template" below.