Massage Client Intake Form Template

If you're running a massage salon, you might be looking to collect certain information from your clients before the appointment. A massage client intake form is the most elegant solution for that. We created this template to help you get started faster — click the button "Use this template" below to start customizing it.

For starters, you most definitely need to collect all the basic personal information from your clients: their name, date of birth, phone number, email address, and (optionally) an emergency contact number. Depending on the local regulations and your massage salon's specialization, you might also ask your clients about any medications that they're taking, allergies they might have, and if any areas of their bodies are experiencing pain.

You might leverage conditional logic to display or hide certain questions or question-groups. For example, if your responders answer affirmatively that they experience certain pain, you might display a follow-up question about the severity of the problem and any underlying causes.

Should you have any questions about Paperform or building client intake forms, don't hesitate to contact our team.