12 productivity blogs worth your limited time

/ 10 min read
Max Delaney

Almost everyone wants to increase their productivity. But doing so while keeping your sanity, happiness and energy levels up isn't easy.

That’s where productivity blogs come in. On the internet, thousands of experts offer tips and tricks on living a more productive life.

And what better way to cure your unproductive ways than to spend hours reading about being productive while your work sits untouched on your desk?

We get the irony of reading about productivity versus being productive, which is why we've curated a list of the 12 best productivity blogs that are actually worth your limited time.

10-second summary

  • There are plenty of blogs about being productive, but a large number of those encourage toxic productivity and unsustainable work habits. When looking for a source of productivity advice, you want to look for sources that are realistic, honest and sustainable.
  • We've kept these things in mind when curating this list of the best productivity blogs actually worth your time. The full list: Study Hacks, Ali Abdaal, James Clear, Zen Habits, Tim Ferris, Mark Manson, Tool Finder, Steve Pavlina, The Imperfectionist, The Sweet Setup, Sparring Mind, and our own Paperform blog.

What to look for in a productivity blog

The number one thing to look for in a productivity blog is honesty. Any guru that encourages toxic productivity or unsustainable work habits should be avoided like the plague.

Unrealistic expectations and dishonest advice can make you less productive and even negatively affect your mental health.

Despite what Instagram productivity gurus may suggest, there isn't enough time to exercise, grocery shop, learn Spanish, and take piano lessons, all while working 12-hour days and listening to the latest leadership podcasts.

Even if there was, it wouldn’t be sustainable or healthy. The advice provided in a productivity blog should be simple, realistic, honest and actionable.

So, if the advice you're given doesn't feel genuine, or you sense dishonesty from the author, close the tab and find another blog. Or just stick to the ones we're about to highlight below, and you won't have that problem.

12 Productivity Blogs Actually Worth Your Time

In this list, we've concentrated on including a mix of blogs. Some specialise in apps and tools, while others concentrate on mental frameworks, personal productivity, or musings on modern work.

Alongside each blog, we've included three posts worth reading for an idea of the type of content they produce. Check out the list below:

1. Study Hacks Blog

If you want to learn to be more productive, you won't find a more useful blog than Cal Newport's Study Hacks Blog.

A computer science professor, writer, and New York Times best-selling author of 7 books—including the wildly influential _Deep Work—_it's fair to say Cal knows how to get work done.

Newport writes about digital technology and culture. In particular, he's concerned with how to use digital tools to enrich your work and home life rather than control it.

If you're serious about being more productive, his books are worth reading. But if you want to get an idea of his work first, or have already devoured his books and need more, then Study Hacks is perfect for you.

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2. Ali Abdaal

Ali Abdaal is a Cambridge graduate who quit his job as a doctor to become a full-time content creator. He writes and makes YouTube videos about productivity, entrepreneurship, and general life advice.

Productivity YouTube is rife with creators encouraging unhealthy habits. Abdaal stands out by transparently sharing earnest advice based on his own experiences and tried-and-tested strategies.

Whether reading his blog or watching his YouTube channel, you'll find a tonne of helpful—and honest—advice.

Whether you want to start a side hustle, build the ultimate productivity system, or make the perfect coffee, Abdaal has you covered.

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3. James Clear

James Clear's profile skyrocketed after the publication of his #1 New York Times bestseller, Atomic Habits, in 2018.

But Clear has been writing about habits, decision making, and continuous improvement on his website long before his newfound fame.

The throughline of his work is researching how we can live better—and distilling those insights into actionable and easy-to-understand articles.

Some of the topics he focuses on include: how to start (and stick to) good habits, accomplish more in less time, create better systems and processes, and achieve meaningful resources without overwhelming yourself.

Whether it's The 3-2-1 Newsletter (in which he provides 3 ideas, 2 quotes and 1 question), or his in-depth articles, Clear's work offers something for even the most seasoned productivity nuts.

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4. Zen Habits

Zen Habits is a blog by Leo Babauta, a self-proclaimed "regular guy" with no formal qualifications or expertise. He doesn't claim to be perfect or have any magic tricks.

What he does have is a wealth of experience, and some impressive achievements (in the past few years, he's lost 65 pounds, eliminated his debt, gone fully vegan, and run a 50-mile ultramarathon). Talk about productive.

Filled with reflection and advice based on his personal experience, Zen Habits keys in on the little things that can make a mountain of difference. Simple methods that you can apply to your work and life.

Babauta's advice isn't restricted to a single niche. He touches on work, family, and personal productivity, bringing readers along on his journey to a more productive, and happy, life.

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5. Tim Ferris

Everything Tim Ferris touches turns to gold. He's the author of five New York Times bestsellers, host of the extremely popular The Tim Ferriss Show podcast, and was an early-stage investor in Uber, Facebook, Shopify, and Duolingo.

So, yeah. Tim Ferris knows a fair bit about being productive. And he shares all of his learnings, lessons, advice and research on his blog.

It's been active for over a decade and covers an eclectic range of topics, from productivity and philosophy to business and entrepreneurship.

Ferriss has dedicated his life to finding the tools and tactics of successful people. He has a real knack for unpacking and distilling actionable details from his guests to benefit his readers and listeners.

If you're looking for mental frameworks and practical advice you can apply to your life, don't skip Tim Ferris' work.

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6. Mark Manson

Yet another #1 New York Times bestselling author (The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck, Everything is F*cked: A Book About Hope), Mark Manson writes life advice that's "science-based, pragmatic, and non-bullshitty—a.k.a., life advice that doesn't suck".

Manson is allergic to mincing words. He provides honest (sometimes painfully so) advice about heady topics like how to find direction in life, discover what you truly care about, and stop sabotaging yourself.

In his archive, you'll find thousands of pages of excellent articles. Whether writing about the heartbreak of your first breakup or why to quit the news, he imbues each article with personal anecdotes and a great sense of humour.

His in-your-face writing style might not be for everyone, but we’d encourage you to give him a go and make up your mind for yourself.

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7. Tool Finder

Rather than concentrate on general advice, Toolfinder's mission is to help readers find the most suitable productivity tools for their life and work.

From using Notion to managing email, Tool Finder is all about helping you find the best apps to help you, well... keep productive.

This blog is for you if you're the type of person always looking to build the perfect suite of productivity tools.

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8. Steve Pavlina

Steve Pavlina has been blogging about personal growth since 2004. In that time he's built one of the world's most popular personal development websites.

His goal? To help you grow as a conscious human being so you can make faster, more consistent progress, and achieve deeper levels of fulfilment. No biggie.

The beauty of Pavlina's particular brand of productivity is that it is effective across all aspects of life.

Whether you want to build a better career, improve your health, or learn entirely new skills, his blog will help you do it.

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9. The Imperfectionist

The Imperfectionist is run by Oliver Burkeman, a columnist at The Guardian and the author of Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals.

Burkeman's book—and the rest of his no-nonsense productivity writing—is centred around a painful truth: life's short and you'll never achieve every little thing you want to.

Sobering. Yep! But also uplifting. With the inevitability of death hanging over our heads, we should accept that we won't get do to everything, and spend time only on things that have value to us.

If you're ready for a dash of existentialism with your self-help, then The Imperfectionist is right up your alley. You can expect twice-monthly articles with a range of eye-opening ideas.

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10. The Sweet Setup

Looking for the best apps to use at work and home? Then The Sweet Setup is for you. Since 2013, it's been a trusted source of articles, reviews, and tutorials to help you be more focused and productive.

There's no shortage of tech review sites on the internet. But the folks behind the Sweet Setup distinguish the site through their honest, impartial opinions and hands-on approach.

Each article feels like you're reading the notes of a geeky friend. They cover mindfulness, workflows, setups, and quick tips, and are conveniently rounded up in a weekly email digest.

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11. Sparring Mind

How many listicles about morning routines have you read and forgotten? How much feel-good advice on being productive has gone in one ear and out the other?

Probably a lot. That's why Greg Ciotti created an alternative: Sparring Mind, a newsletter and blog that aims to share "non-obvious advice on how to make things that matter."

Articles range from the analytical (the science of productivity) to the ephemeral (how to be happy) and everything in between. Ciotti fills each post with research and examples to help express the concepts he explores.

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12. Paperform Blog

Are you looking for a healthier way of working? Without the long hours and tedious busywork? Then the Paperform blog is the place for you.

It focuses on helping small business owners and entrepreneurs live happier, healthier, more efficient lives.

Stocked with helpful guides, productivity frameworks, and tutorials on how to automate business processes, Paperform's blog helps readers get back time to focus on stuff that really matters.

Most company blogs are bland and boring, and the Paperform blog stands out from the pack. It's the perfect destination for learning to smash your business goals—and live a fulfilling life while you do it.

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Time to get reading, and productive!

Well, that about does it. We've covered all the best productivity blogs actually worth reading in 2022

Now you'll have to find another excuse to avoid actually being productive.

All the blogs on this list are chock full of quality content. Have a look around at each and see what speaks to you. You don't have to choose just one.

Just remember that once you're done reading you've actually got to put all the things you've learnt to use. And that's the ultimate productivity tip: eventually, you've just got to get to work.

So why not get to work with Paperform? It's a digital Swiss Army Knife that'll kick your productivity into hyperdrive.

Give it a try today with the 14-day free trial. No credit card needed.

About the author
Max Delaney
Freelance Contributor
Max is a freelance writer and journalist. If he’s not hunched over the computer, you’ll find him falling asleep to sport or pleading with his dog to eat.

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