Easiest online form builder & form creator

Create powerful forms, fast.

Paperform takes the headache out of creating and maintaining automated forms, eSignatures, surveys, bookings, payments and more, so you can get back to life.

Get Started - it's freeFull access free trial for 14 days, no credit card needed.

Loved by 10K+ business owners and creators. Trusted by millions of respondents.
Average rating of 4.8 out of 5 from 298 reviews across Capterra, Trustpilot, G2 and Product Hunt

Capterra - 4.8 out of 5Trustpilot - 4.7 out of 5Product Hunt - 5 out of 5

Over 731,916 forms built… and counting.

Our community loves Paperform and we’re sure you will too. So we’re giving you 14 days unlimited access free.
Start creating for free now

Stunningly smart, uniquely yours.

Designed to stand out

Designed to stand out

Build beautiful solutions as unique as your brand. More intuitive. More customizable. More capable.

Science meets sorcery

Science meets sorcery

Paperform's unique Calculations function allows you to do things that others can’t. Transform text, calculate shipping rates and discounts based on real-time user input and so much more.

Easy Peasy

Easy Peasy

No more drag & lag interfaces or clumsy menus. Paperform’s as easy to use as a document—and 10x more fun.

Endless possibilities

Solutions that empower you to get back to life.

Forms & Surveys

Forms & Surveys

Flexible online forms that are easy to create and even easier to fill out. Capture leads, accept payments, share surveys — and so much more.

Replaces: Google Forms, Typeform, Jotform

Stay on Schedule

Scheduling and Booking Management

Automate your schedule with Paperform. Simply add your availability, connect your calendar and let people find the perfect time. Focus on your meetings, not on planning them.

Replaces: Calendly, Doodle, TidyCal

Play By Your Rules


Simplify document signing with our eSignature product Papersign, so you can spend less time in email chains and more time on the important stuff.

Replaces: DocuSign, HelloSign, Acrobat Sign

Receive payments


Start selling online in minutes. Services. Subscriptions. Physical goods. Whatever you want. Paperform makes it easy to get a custom storefront up-and-running in minutes.

Integrate: Stripe, Square, Paypal

Plug and play

Enjoy more free time and less busywork with thousands of automations. Bring all your tools under one roof.

Google Sheets
Zoho CRM
Explore Integrations

Dedicated support, all the time.

Paperform has a team of support experts waiting to assist you. And with an average response time of 60 seconds, help is only ever a moment away.

Meet our Customer Success team

Your digital Swiss Army Knife.

Paperform does everything short of open bottles.

in Stripe Connect payments processed

Discover the power of Paperform for yourself.

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We're in good form... just ask our customers

The most significant benefit of using Paperform has been the possibility to innovate quickly, creating new pages and types of content without the need to include a tech team or develop a whole set of tools and options. We have been able to create a bunch of new products and showcase new ideas thanks to Paperform. This includes a whole interview that was conducted and published from start-to-finish using Paperform.
Garbiñe Hoyo Martínez
Paperform seamlessly matches the look and feel of my existing landing pages. With every other form builder I’ve tried, you can tell that the form has just been embedded onto the website. With Paperform, however, my forms look like they’re part of the website; they just blend into the page and represent my brand perfectly.
Kassy Pajarillo
Ecommerce conversion rates tend to average around 2% on mobile devices... Our campaign managed to overcome this, as we reached a staggering 10% conversion rate on our Paperform store. This was largely due to Paperform’s extensive theming options, which allowed us to create a beautiful and professional-looking store that not only instilled trust in those who landed on it, but also helped translate Blütenträume’s physical brand into its online one.
Dennis Karle
My clients have to collect a lot of information from our forms based on the customer’s requests, questions and to allow images to be uploaded. Their previous forms had long interfaces, so they had high abandonment rates…After switching to Paperform there have been no customer hiccups or mistakes; we've maintained a 100% form completion rate.
Chris Andrade
CJ Andrade Web Design
Guided Mode allows our customers to only see one question at a time, making our forms more approachable and interactive. We AB tested our Paperform with our old form and found that our conversion rate increased by a staggering 91%.
Amadeusz Bathelt

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Trusted By Thousands of Organizations Across the Globe.