Free AI Signature Generator

Make a personalized signature, for free. Type in your name or initials, click generate, and choose your favourite signature.

Generate with AI ✨

How's it work?

Create a signature just for you with AI


Type your name or initials

Tailor your signature exactly the way you want it.


Get your signature in seconds

Press go and let the ✨ happen. No more waiting or logistical hurdles. Your signature is ready when you need it.


eSignature ready

Choose from several generated options - download your personalised signature and add it to any digital document.

1. Can I generate a signature with AI?

2. Can I change my signature once it's created?

3. Is this tool free to use?

4. Can I use the signature for official documents?

5. How do I apply the signature to digital documents?

6. Can I share my signature?

Send a signable document in minutes

Say goodbye to scanning, printing, and delays. Sign up for Papersign for free and simplify electronic document signing, so you can spend less time in email chains and more time on the important stuff.
Get Papersign free

Create eSignature-ready documents with ease.

Papersign’s powerful editor empowers you to go from a blank page to a signed document in minutes. Upload your existing PDF, create a new signable document straight in Papersign, or mix and match both. Use slash commands to create customized documents at lightning speed.

Keep your docs on-brand and beautiful.

Papersign combines beautiful design with serious digital smarts. Easily reinforce your brand identity by adding logos and rich imagery. Select from a range of fonts, colors, and formatting options to elevate and personalize your documents.

Stay informed. Stay ahead.

Papersign can dynamically prefill your document with a range of known information to prevent tedious re-entry, keeping you ahead of the game and impressing your clients. Receive instant notifications and monitor your document’s progress in real-time. Never miss a beat with our dedicated dashboard that keeps you in-sync and on track.

Enterprise-grade security & compliance.

Papersign has robust security measures to protect your documents and signatures. We also comply with the technical requirements of several eSignature legislations in the United States, European Union, United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand to ensure the privacy of your information.

Sign documents seamlessly with Papersign

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