10 Ways to Trick Your Owner to Give You Treats

/ 3 min read

This post is part of the Pupperform dog takeover celebrating International Dog Day on August 26, 2024.

Dogs, listen up! We all know that us puppers are easy to make happy. We are not complicated, and this is a good thing! Not like stinky cats. We only need the basics: pats, snuggles, playtime, walks, and food.

But there is one thing that will make us happy anytime: treats! The hard-to-get-but-oh-so-delishious reward that is almost better than snuggles. (Almost!) It's just hard to get them when we want them. Believe us, we know! Well, that's where this special treat-getting masterclass guide comes in.

If you are looking to increase your treat-getting and eating, here are our top proven ways to get more treats from your hoomanz!

The Puppy Eyes

This classic is the ultimate weapon in any dogs arsenal. Tilt your head slightly, widen those eyes, and throw in a tiny whimper for good measure. Works on humans 99.9% of the time. Our top Treatologists have confirmed it. They're powerless against it.

The 'I'm Starving' Routine

You just ate an hour ago? Doesn't matter. Stand by your empty bowl, look longingly at it, then at your hooman. Repeat until they cave. For added effect, nudge the bowl with your nose or paw to make a clinking sound. It makes them mad, but they will give you a treat and forgive you later. Don't do this one too often as they may remove your bowl.

The Invisible Threat

Stare at the door as if there's an intruder. After a couple of times doing this, bark at the door. When your human rushes to check, give them that "I just saved your life" look. A hero deserves a treat, right? If there's no treat, repeat until treat. Hoomans get scared easily. This one works very well at night or when they are watching a scary movie.

The Howl

Time to channel your inner wolf. Start with a low whine, gradually building up to a full-blown howl. Hoomanz will do anything to make it stop, including giving you that treat you've been eyeing.

The Guilty Misdirection

Accidentally (on purpose) 'find' something you shouldn't have and sneak around the house. We recommend you go for the classics like a shoe or a sock. Make sure your hooman sees you scurry off. Then, when they ‘catch’ you, drop it immediately, look ashamed, and sit. The relief of you not actually chewing it usually results in a treat. Classic misdirection!

The 'I'm Helping' Charade

While your human is in the kitchen, suddenly become very interested in what they're doing. Sniff the floor around them and maybe even point at that dropped crumb. If you are patient, they will cough up a sample of dinner! Most delicious treat of all! A helpful assistant deserves a little reward, doesn't it? If this fails, find a nearby spot in the kitchen, then sit head in paws and stare at them. Employ "Puppy Eyes" for added effect.

The Snack Snuggle

When your hooman is relaxing, climb next to them and nuzzle up close. When they're all warm and fuzzy inside, give them the cutest look you can muster. They'll probably get up to get you a treat just because you're so darn adorable. Patience is key with this one!

The Endless Fetch Game

Bring them a toy, and when they throw it, bring it back, but, here's the trick: *don't give it to them right away.* Make them work for it! When they finally get the toy, look at them expectantly. Keep doing this to wear them down. Eventually, they will give you a treat so they can stop. Hard work needs to be rewarded.

Trick and Treat

Sometimes, you've got to play by their rules. If you have trained your hooman, this will work very well. Sit on command like you're the best dog in the world. Hold the pose longer than necessary, staring at them with pride. You know they've got a treat ready!

The 'I Learned a New Trick' Trick

This is the opposite of "Trick and Treat". When your hooman asks you to do a trick, pretend you forgot it. We recommend a medium-difficulty trick like rolling over or playing dead. Then, after a bit, pretend you just learned it! Act super proud of yourself; your human will be so impressed they'll shower you with treats. This works well when they want to show your tricks to another hooman.

And that's it! Remember, fellow canines, practice, and persistence are key. If one tactic doesn't work, mix it up and try another. These hoomans may think they're in charge, but we know who really runs the show.

Happy treating!

Take the Dogz Rule Quiz!

PS: Want to see if you are a good hooman? Take the "Dogz Rule!" quiz to find out and earn a special treat!

Take the Quiz!

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