How do I delete documents in Papersign?

This article is for the eSignature product, Papersign. For Paperform, see deleting forms or deleting submissions.

Documents with any status other than "Completed" or "Archived" can be deleted permanently. This includes both draft documents and sent documents that have not yet been signed by all parties.

From the dashboard, select the hamburger menu to the right of the document, then click "Delete Document."

Screenshot of a draft document listed in the dashboard, with the "Delete Document" option selected from the hamburger menu to the right.

While editing a draft document, you can also find the "Delete Document" option in the hamburger menu in the top-right corner of the page.

Screenshot of the "Delete Document" option found in the hamburger menu in the top-right corner of the document editor.

Finally, there is a "Delete" button in the top-right corner when viewing details for a sent document with incomplete signatures.

Screenshot of the "Details" menu for a document, with focus on the "Delete" button in the top-right corner.


Completed documents can be archived instead of deleted. This will remove them from your main dashboard and spaces while still allowing them to be viewed and downloaded by all participants. Archived documents can be restored at any time.

Deleting a document with a status of "In Progress" automatically cancels the pending signature request.