
Papersign is an eSignature solution from the creators of Paperform. If you have been sent a signature request email via Papersign, this guide has everything you need to know about filling out and submitting the document. We will cover:

  • Accessing the document
  • Entering information and signing
  • Nominating someone else to sign
  • Rejecting the document
  • Downloading the completed document
  • Creating a free Papersign account to manage your documents (not required)

Please note that this guide only explains how to use Papersign as a signer. To learn how to upload, design, send, and manage documents of your own, check out our other Papersign articles and guides.

Getting started

Open the document

If you've received a signature request, open the document by clicking "Sign document" in the email message.

Screenshot of a signature request email, with a gold "Sign document" button in the center.

Verify your email address

Depending on the document's settings, you may be asked to verify your email address before proceeding.

Screenshot of the page, "Please verify your email."

Click "Send code to my email →" and then enter the code that Papersign sends to your inbox.

Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure

Some documents require that you agree to conduct business electronically before you can fill out and submit the document itself.

Screenshot of an Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure page, with the buttons "Dismiss" and "I Agree" at the bottom.

To agree to these terms, first check the box labeled "I agree to electronic records and signatures" at the bottom of the page. This will allow you to select the "I Agree" button in the bottom-right corner to continue to the document.

Screenshot of an Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure page, with focus on a checkbox at the bottom labeled "I agree to use electronic records and signatures."

Alternatively, you can click "Dismiss" to close this window and view the document. You may read over the main document before agreeing to the Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure, but the window will appear again if you attempt to interact with any fields.

Filling out the document


While reading through the document, click on any field with a gold border to fill in, select, or change your answers. Required fields are designated with a red asterisk (*).

Animated GIF of a signer filling in the name and date fields on a document.

Fields will prompt you to type, select from a list of options, check a box, select a date from a calendar, or sign the document. For signature fields, you can either:

  • Type the signature using your keyboard.
  • Draw the signature using your mouse, touchpad, or touchscreen.
  • Upload an image file of your signature.
Screenshot of the page that appears for signing the document, including "TYPE," "DRAW," and "UPLOAD."

Guided signing

If you would like, you can use the "Start" button in the top-right corner to skip to the first field that requires your input.

The "Start" button in the top-right corner of the document signing page.

Follow the prompt, then use the "Next" button to proceed through the remaining fields.

Note that the guided signing flow will skip over any optional fields, as well as required fields with pre-filled answers. If you want to double-check these values or make any changes, you will need to manually scroll through the document to see them.


When all required fields have been completed, the "Finish" button will appear at the bottom of the page.

Screenshot of a bar labeled "Finished?" with the "Finish" button appearing to the right.

Click "Finish" when you are ready to submit your responses and/or signature. This action cannot be undone, so we recommend making sure all of the information is correct before proceeding.

Other options

Nominating another signer

Some documents allow you to nominate someone else to sign in your place.

Click on the "More Actions" button in the top-right corner while viewing a document. If you have an option labeled "Nominate someone else," then you may select it to enter the name and email of a different signer to take your place.

Screenshot of the signing flow, with focus on More Actions → Nominate someone else.

If your document begins with an Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure, you can also click the arrow next to "I Agree." If permitted, you will have the option to change it to a "Nominate" button instead.

Animated GIF of nominating a different signer from the pre-document consent agreement.

If these options are not visible, then nominating a new signer is not allowed for this document. Contact the document owner if you have any questions.

Rejecting the document

You may also choose to reject a document instead of signing it. While viewing the document, select "More Actions" in the top-right corner, then click "Reject document."

Screenshot of the signing flow, with focus on More Actions → Reject document.

You will be prompted to provide a reason. The document owner will receive a notification that the document was rejected, and your reason will be recorded.

The Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure can also be rejected (if your document has one). Rejecting this agreement will reject the entire document. Click the triangle icon next to "I agree" to change the button to "Reject."

Animated GIF of rejecting the pre-document consent agreement.

The owner will be notified that the document was rejected because you did not consent to the Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure.

View and download signed documents

Download via email

Once all parties have signed, you will receive an email with the completed document as a PDF attachment.

Screenshot of an email inviting the signer to download the completed Papersign document.

If you were the final signer, this email should arrive immediately after you submit your signature. If the document is waiting for more signatures, you will be notified as soon as it is complete.

Create a Papersign account

After you've signed, you will be given the option to create a free Papersign account.

This is an optional step, and it's not required to view and download a copy of the completed document. You will receive an email with the completed document whether you have a Papersign account or not.

If you decide to create an account, you will be taken to the dashboard next. From here, you can click "Inbox" to view all of the completed documents that you have participated in, as well as any documents that are currently waiting for your signature. You can also click "Requires Action" to skip straight to the documents that are still waiting for you to sign.

Screenshot of the Papersign Dashboard, with the Inbox and Requires Action buttons highlighted.

Documents in your inbox will have one of three statuses:

  • Requires Action means that the document is currently waiting for your signature.
  • In Progress indicates that you have already signed the document, but it is still missing signatures from other participants.
  • Completed means that the document has been signed by all parties.

From the inbox, click the icon to the right of a document to either sign it or download it (depending on its status). Documents cannot be downloaded from Papersign until all participants have signed.

Screenshot of the two types of icons to the right side of listed documents in the Inbox.

If you would like to create and send documents of your own, we have some other help articles to help you get started.

Can I sign up later?

If you don't create a Papersign account right after signing the document, no worries—you can always sign up for an account from our website at a later time. As long as you sign up using the same email address that the documents were originally sent to, they will be waiting for you in your new inbox.


I can't see the document

If you have received a signature request but you are having trouble loading the document, review the system requirements for signers.

This document is no longer active

If you attempt to sign a document but instead arrive at a page stating that it is no longer active, the request may have been canceled by the owner or rejected by a different signer. Contact the sender for more information.

I'm still having trouble

If you have any questions about how to use Papersign, feel free to reach out to our support team. You can use the live chat icon in the bottom-right corner of this page, or write to us at

If you have questions about the document itself, contact the sender.