What does a signer's status mean in Papersign?

After sending a document, you can view the progress of each participant under the document’s "Details" tab.

To get there, select any sent document (that is, any document that is not in “Draft” status). The "Signers" section contains specific details about each participant.

The "Status" column is highlighted in the "Signers" section of a document's "Details" tab

The "Status" column indicates how each participant has interacted with the document so far, and can be one of the following:

  • Notified
  • Viewed
  • Consented
  • Rejected
  • Completed
  • Not participated

What does each status mean?


An invitation email has been sent. The order in which invitations are sent depends on the signing order set before it was sent. Signers in the same group are notified at the same time.


The signer has opened their invitation link and viewed the document.


The signer has agreed to the required consent agreement. This is only applicable if "Require consent to conduct business electronically" was toggled "on" in the document's settings prior to sending.


The signer has filled and finalized their portion of the document. If a signing order is set, the document then proceeds to notify the next signer or signing group.


The signer has rejected the document. The reason for rejecting the document will be provided under the "Notes" column.

Not participated

The signer has not yet reached their turn in the signing order and has not yet been notified. This will change to "Notified" once they receive the signing invitation.