Forms cannot be submitted unless all required fields have been answered, except for required questions hidden with conditional logic.

You can disable all submissions by going to Configure → Form Behaviour and toggling "Disable submissions."

If your forms need additional checks beyond all required, visible fields being answered, you can prevent submission and display a message using a calculation that returns an ERROR(). Calculations are available on select pricing plans. Check out our Calculations Guide for more information on using calculation fields.

To create a calculation that prevents submission:

  1. Create a new calculation field. Don't give this field a title.
  2. Go into the configuration for your calculation by clicking on the "Configure" cog next to the field.
  3. Toggle "Hide this question" off. This field needs to be visible to prevent the form from being submitted.
  4. Add your calculation to check if the submission meets your additional criteria. To prevent submission, the calculation must return ERROR("Reason for the error"). The example below checks if the submitter answered "No" to a Yes/No question asking to confirm their details. To use this calculation, replace {{ YESNO_KEY }} with the pre-fill key for your Yes/No question.
confirm = {{ YESNO_KEY }};
IF(confirm == "No", ERROR("You must answer Yes"), "");