
Conditional logic can be used to change the way your form behaves depending on how it is filled out. You may want to show or hide a certain question for example, depending on how another question is answered. The same visibility logic can be applied to entire sections, or even pages of content. You can also use logic to determine which actions trigger after the form is submitted.

In this guide, you will learn how to:

  • Set conditions
  • Effectively combine multiple conditions
  • Apply visibility logic to questions, sections, and pages
  • Conditionally trigger specific emails, integrations, success pages, and redirects
  • Combine logic with Calculations for more complex conditions

Custom Pricing Rules can also be used to conditionally alter the total price on payment forms.

How it works

Setting a condition

Logic can be toggled on in many places throughout the form editor. If you select it, you’ll see a series of dropdown menus used to set a condition. When this condition is met, the content will be visible, or the action will be triggered.

An example condition is set from three dropdown menus: "Experience Level ... is ... Beginner"

Each condition is made up of three parts: the question, the operator, and the value.

First, you'll choose the question. Logic can be based on any field's answer, including Hidden fields and Calculations. If you've set up any Scoring on your form, you'll also see "Score" listed as an option at the bottom of the list.

Next, select an operator (is, contains, etc.), and then type or select the value that should be compared to the answer given on the form. Keep in mind that this value is case-sensitive, and it must match the expected answer exactly.

Need the condition to be case-insensitive? Use a Calculation field to transform the original answer to all uppercase using the UPPER() function. Then, target that Calculation in the logic, and set the value to the uppercase version of the answer. Read on to learn more about combining logic with Calculations.

Multiple conditions

You can click the “Add another condition” button to set more rules. Additional conditions can be separated using “And” or “Or.”

  • And: all conditions must be met.
  • Or: at least one condition must be met.

If you need to combine “And” and “Or” in a single set of conditions, it’s recommended that you group some of them together by selecting “Multiple Condition Group” at the very end of the question dropdown menu. Kind of like parentheses in a math equation, this tells the form which part of the logic to evaluate first.

Conditional logic that uses the "Multiple Conditions" option to group the second and third condition together like: A or (B and C)

Now that we've got a basic understanding of how conditions work, let's take a look at the different ways logic can be applied.

Visibility logic

Question visibility logic

Perfect for a follow-up question to a specific answer, visibility logic is most often applied to a single question.

To set up question visibility logic:

  1. Click the question that should be hidden or revealed.
  2. Make sure “Hide this question” is toggled off (if applicable).
  3. Toggle on “Question visibility logic."
  4. Set the condition(s) that should be met for the question to appear.
  5. Click "Done."

Once added, you can edit your visibility logic by clicking on the "Configure Logic → x conditions" button below the "Question visibility logic" toggle.

The "Question visibility logic" toggle is available in the configuration panel when you click a field. A button will appear below this allowing you to edit the conditions.

If you'd like to control visibility logic for a group of questions or any other content on the form page, then you'll want to use section or page breaks instead.

Section visibility logic

Section breaks are perfect for applying logic to a group of questions without changing the page. They can also cover other content, so you can use them to apply visibility logic to headings, paragraph text, images, embedded videos, etc.

To add a section break, type "/break" into a blank line in the editor, then select "Section break." The red line that appears in the editor represents the beginning of a new section.

You can configure the break to add visibility logic that will apply to everything below this line, up until the next section or page break.

A pair of section breaks wrapped around a heading and a few questions. Clicking this opens the configuration panel. You can delete the section break by clicking the X that appears to the left.

Page visibility logic

When an entire page is "hidden," that means that it will be skipped completely when the user clicks the next page button (→). You can use visibility logic to determine which pages will be displayed or skipped.

To add a page break, type "/break" into a blank line in the editor, then select "Page break." A page break appears as a blue line when editing the form.

Configure the break to add visibility logic that will apply to everything below this line, up until the following page break (or the end of the form).

When working with any breaks, try to avoid any redundant logic. If logic is applied to a page, it will automatically be applied to any sections and questions on that page. Repeating the same logic rules in those sub-sections and individual questions can make things more difficult to edit later. This also applies to individual questions inside sections.

Using visibility logic

The most common use of logic is to conditionally show or hide certain questions, sections, or pages of the form.

Animated GIF of some visibility logic in practice on a live form. As each question is answered, more questions and text appear.

Applying logic to actions


Custom emails can be configured under After Submission → Emails. When adding a new email or editing an existing one, you can toggle on “Email Logic” at the very bottom of the page. After the form is submitted, the email will be sent only if the condition(s) have been met.

A custom email with Email Logic toggled on and the "Configure Logic" button displayed.

In the example above, an email will be sent to the manager of the Downtown branch if someone uses the form to sign up for classes at that location.

You can set as many custom emails as you like, and each one can be sent under different conditions.


Much like an email, you can set a direct integration to only fire under certain conditions. For example, you might want to add the submitter’s email to your mailing list in MailChimp, but only if they indicate on the form that they’d like to sign up.

Conditional logic in an integration: "Would you like to sign up for the newsletter? ... is ... Sign me up!"

To add conditional logic to your integration:

  1. Head to After Submission → Integrations & Webhooks.
  2. To update an existing integration, find it below the list of apps, then select “Edit” from the cogwheel icon to the right. Or, to create a new one, select the app and follow the prompts.
  3. Scroll down to the very bottom of the page and toggle on “Use conditional logic.”
  4. Set the condition(s) that should be met in order for the integration to fire.

Success Pages & Redirects

Users on selected pricing plans have access to Dynamic Success Pages & Redirects. With this feature, logic can be used to determine which page displays after the form is submitted. An automatic redirect can optionally happen after that, with the same conditions applied.

Quizzes are a common use case for dynamic success pages—you may want to show one of several possible pages of results to the submitter, depending on their answers. The logic could be based on their final Score, the result of a Calculation, or the answers themselves.

The configuration for a dynamic success page, titled "Quiz Result: 100% Correct!" Email logic is toggled on, and the Configure Logic button is showing that 2 conditions are set.

To set this up:

  1. Head to After Submission → Success Pages & Redirects.
  2. Toggle on "Dynamic Success Pages & Redirects."
  3. Click the "Add Page +" button to set up the first page.
  4. Toggle on “Page has conditions when it should be used” to apply logic to this page.
  5. Design the success page, save it, and then repeat for the next conditional page.

You can also use this for conditional redirects. By enabling "Redirect to another URL," the user will be sent somewhere else automatically after a success page has been shown for a specified amount of time.

Conditional redirects can fire quickly after submission, but the success page will always load for at least a moment before the redirect can begin. For a more seamless transition, try deleting everything on the success page so that it is completely blank. Then, set "Redirect after this many seconds" to 0.

Complex conditions

You may need to apply some logic that is a bit more complicated than what you can accomplish using a few dropdown menus. On selected pricing plans, robust Calculation fields are available for just about anything you can think of—applying math to answers, transforming answers using functions, etc. Once you have the answer you need from the Calculation, you can select that field in the logic dropdown instead of the original question.

For example, let’s say we need a parent or guardian's e-signature if the student filling out the form is under 18 years old.

We can pull the submitter's date of birth into a Calculation field set up like this one to determine their age:

dob = {{ date_question_id }};

DATEDIFF( NOW(), dob, "years" );

Then, we’ll apply some visibility logic to the Signature field on our form using the Calculation's result:

Question visibility logic with the condition "Age (Calculation) ... is less than ... 18"

Calculations are extremely versatile, but they can be a bit overwhelming to learn at first. If you’re having any trouble, feel free to ask for help via the live chat in the bottom right of the screen or send us an email at


Working with similar question titles

Many forms include repeated or similar questions, which can make it difficult to know if you’re selecting the correct question for a condition. We include each field's Question ID in dropdowns to help you identify which question you are selecting.

The first "Choose question" dropdown in visibility logic, showing a list that includes multiple copies of the same question title, but with different Question IDs..

You can also temporarily add a number or another identifier to the beginning of each repeated question's title, so that you know exactly what you’re looking for in the logic dropdown or the question panel.

The question panel showing a list of numbered questions with otherwise similar titles.

Once all of the logic is set up and tested, you can go back through and delete the numbers to return the questions to their original names.

Working with numbers

The operators "is more than" and "is less than" are options when selecting question types that typically return numeric values (Number, Slider, Score, etc).

If you'd like to use this kind of logic with a different question type (like Dropdown or Scale), try using a Calculation field to turn that answer into a numeric value first.

NUMBERVALUE( {{ question_id }} )

It’s also important to note that "is more than" and "is less than" are not inclusive, meaning that a matching number will not be valid. For example, let’s say you wanted to show one success page if the submitter’s Score is less than 10, and another if they score 10 or more points. You would want to use:

  • Result A: “Score is less than 10”
  • Result B: “Score is 10” OR “Score is more than 10”

Notice that two conditions are required for Result B in this example. If you only used “less than 10” for the first result and “more than 10” for the second, then a score of exactly 10 wouldn’t trigger either page.

When working with whole numbers only, you can also get away with using something like "more than 9" to check for an answer that is 10 or higher. If there's any chance that the answer will be a decimal though, stick to the two-condition method shown above. An answer of 9.5 is not "10 or higher," but it would meet the condition "more than 9."

Blank or unfinished conditions

Screenshot of some unfinished conditional logic: "Score ... is ... [Answer...] ... OR ... [Choose question]"

If you find that some content is simply never visible, or a certain action never fires, double-check the logic to make sure that all of the conditions are set up completely (including the value for each answer). When a question is deleted, or its type or options get changed, this may affect logic that depends on that question in another part of the form.

If logic is toggled on but no condition is set, then this logic will always fail. The same is true for conditions that are missing a value for the answer. If you don't need a certain condition, delete the whole line. If you don't need any conditions, toggle the logic setting off completely.