What does a document's status mean in Papersign?

What is the document status?

Each Papersign document has a certain status, which indicates where it is currently in the signing process. The possible statuses are:

  • Draft
  • In Progress
  • Completed
  • Canceled
  • Expired
  • Rejected
  • Archived

You can see a document's status right under its name in the dashboard.

Screenshot of a document listed in the Papersign dashboard, with focus on the status "Completed" under the document's title.

Documents in the dashboard can be filtered by their status, using the buttons at the top of the screen. To clear the filter, click the cone-shaped icon to the right of the search bar.

Screenshot of the Papersign dashboard, with focus on the filters (top), clear status button (middle) and "Archived" button (bottom-left).

Archived documents can be viewed using the button in the lower-left corner.

What does each status indicate?


Drafts include all documents that have not been sent out for signature requests. New documents (including copies of other documents) begin as drafts.

Selecting a draft in the dashboard will bring you to the document editor.

In Progress

When you send a document, its status changes from "Draft" to "In Progress." This indicates that the document is currently waiting for at least one signature, which includes documents that have already been signed by some of the participants.

In order for any document to be signed, its status must be "In Progress."

Select an in-progress document from the dashboard to monitor signer activity, send a reminder email to the current signer, and more.


When the final signature is collected, the document's status changes from "In Progress" to "Completed."

Once completed, a copy of the signed document is sent out to the owner and all participants. If the signers have their own Papersign accounts, they will also find the completed document in their inboxes.


Signature requests in progress can be canceled by the document owner at any point before the final participant signs.

The signing process cannot be resumed on the same document (you can't "cancel the cancelation"), but you can always copy a canceled document to start a new signature request flow.


If a document reaches its expiry time before all parties have signed, its status changes from "In Progress" to "Expired."

To reactivate an expired document, first select it from the dashboard, and then edit the expiration time under Details → Settings → Expiration.

Screenshot of an expired document's "Details" page, with focus on the edit option to the right of "Expiration."

Once the expiration is either changed to a time in the future or removed entirely, the document's status will return to "In Progress" and the current signer(s) can open it again. Previous signers do not need to re-sign.


Any signer may choose to reject the document instead of signing it. As the document owner, you will be notified via email if this happens.

You can view the reason for the rejection in Papersign by selecting the rejected document in the dashboard. The reason is shown under Details → Signers → Notes.

Screenshot of the Details page for a rejected document. For the signer who rejected the document, their reason is shown under the "Notes" column: "Do not accept consent."

If the reason is "Do not accept consent," this indicates that they rejected the Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure (the agreement to conduct business electronically that appears before some documents). Otherwise, you will see the custom reason that they entered when rejecting the document itself.


The document owner can archive completed documents to remove them from the main dashboard view. Archived documents remain in the "Archived" folder and can be restored at any time.

Archived documents can still be viewed and downloaded by all participants. They will retain the "Completed" status in other signers' inboxes.

Only completed documents can be archived. Other documents can be deleted instead.


"Status" may also refer to the status of each signer on sent documents.