Configure the signing order

The signing order specifies the sequence in which participants are invited to complete the document. This sequence is denoted by the numbers displayed next to each signer’s name in the “Signers” menu.

You have the flexibility to set the signing order in different ways:

  1. Sign in Order: Signers are invited to sign the document one after the other in the specified order.
  2. Sign in any Order: All signers are invited to sign the document at the same time, without a set sequence.
  3. Custom Order: Signers are divided into groups, and each group signs in a specified order. Within each group, signers can either sign in sequence or simultaneously.

This customizable signing order ensures that the document workflow meets your specific requirements, whether it demands a strict sequence, flexibility, or a combination of both.

You can find the option to select the specific signing order under the ‘Signers’ tab in the right menu panel of the Document editor window and in the modal that appears when you click the send button for final configurations before the document is sent out.

How to group signers for a custom signing order.

Sign in Order

The document is sent to each signer sequentially, following the specified order. Each signer is notified to sign the document only after the preceding signer has completed their part. This option is the default signing order that is selected before sending out the document.

To establish a specific signing order, simply click and drag the names to arrange them in the desired sequence. Ensure that each signer has a number next to their name, indicating their position in the signing order. This numbering system helps you clearly define the order in which participants are invited to sign the document.

Sign in Order selection for the signing order.

Sign in any Order

You have the option to send the document to all parties simultaneously, allowing them to sign in any order. When this option is selected, all signers are notified at the same time and can complete their signatures without following a specific sequence.

To enable this setup, click the dropdown menu and select “Sign in any order.” Ensure that all signers are included in a single group, labeled with the number 1. This configuration allows for a more flexible and efficient signing process, as signers can complete their parts whenever convenient to them.

Sign in Any Order selection for the signing order.

Custom Order

You can organize signers into groups and set a specific order for the groups, while allowing signers within each group to sign the document in any sequence. When you create an order group, the document will automatically be assigned to the Custom Order signing option.

There are two methods to create signing groups:

  1. Manual Grouping: Drag one name on top of another to place them in the same group.
  2. Automatic Grouping: Select “Sign in any order” to create one large group. Then, divide this group into smaller groups by clicking “--split--” which appears when you hover over the space between two names.

Signers within the same group will be indicated by the same number, signifying that they can sign in any order within their group while maintaining the overall group sequence. This feature provides flexibility in managing the signing process and ensures that signers within each group can sign as soon as they are ready.

Sign in Custom Order selection for the signing order.