Results and Reporting Guide


Paperform provides powerful tools to help you analyze and manage your form results effectively. Our Submissions Dashboard lets you gather insights on your respondents and package your findings in a customizable report.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through each tab of the Submissions Dashboard and show you how to leverage Paperform's built-in tools to maximize your results.

We’ll cover:

  • How submissions work — the difference between Partial Submissions and complete submissions
  • Viewing, filtering and managing submissions
  • Managing product stock from the Products Tab
  • Generating reports to leverage your data
  • Accessing analytics to gain insights into your respondent base

How submissions work

Paperform captures two types of submission on your forms:

  • Partial Submissions
  • Submissions

When a respondent begins to answer questions on your form, Paperform recognises this and starts to record their responses. These records are referred to as Partial Submissions.

When a user clicks on the Submit button at the end of your form, this record becomes a regular Submission.

Note: Partial Submissions require at least 5 seconds of inactivity after answering a question on your form.

Where to analyze your results

Paperform offers a handy dashboard to view and analyze your form results. Access your Submissions Dashboard by following our guide.

The Submissions Dashboard

The different sections are broken down into:

  • Submissions
  • Partial Submissions
  • Products
  • Reports
  • Analytics


Your form results

The Submissions table is where you will find all your form results. Each row on the table is one "submission" which contains one individual's response. A submission cannot be changed or modified once submitted.

Inside a submission, you'll typically find:

  • The submission ID.
  • The date & time the submission was sent.
  • The responses submitted on the form.
  • Records of scoring or payments processed. (Optional)
  • A default PDF summary of the submission.
  • Copies of any custom PDFs generated upon submission. (Optional)
  • Other metadata for the respondent if available (e.g. IP Address, Device Type).

Note: You will find Custom PDFs at the right most column of your submissions table.

Search, sort and filter your data

You have some flexibility over how your submissions table displays your results. Click on the three dots to access the table's Settings.

Screencap showing three dots menu with Display Settings, Export All, and Delete All options.Three-Dot Menu

From here, you can:

  • Choose which question gets used as the "title" column.
  • Toggle which columns are displayed/hidden.

At the top of the submissions table, you will find:

  • A search bar to filter by keywords.
  • A date filter to show only submissions within a certain time period. Search bar and date filter.

You can also sort your results by clicking on the table headers. The direction of the arrow indicates ascending or descending order. Ascending sort arrow

Additional Actions

In the first column, to the right of the submission data, you will see a two buttons that provide additional actions.

Additional actions button By clicking the down arrow, you can:

  • Download the submission as a PDF or Word document.
  • Re-run integration actions.
  • Re-send webhooks.
  • Download all the files uploaded within that submission.
  • Copy a share link to the submission, which you can share with others in your team.

Single Submissions View

By clicking on the expand icon, you can view individual submissions per page.

Expand Page View

The left and right arrows allow you to scroll through the submissions easily, one-at-a-time.

Submissions Page View

Exporting Submissions

You can export one or more submissions at a time using the checkbox to select your desired submissions. Submissions are exported as a CSV file.

There are other ways to share submissions. Learn more about how to get your data to others.

Note: When exporting over 10,000 submissions at once, we'll send your exported submissions to your primary Paperform account email address for download. This may take up to a few hours.

Partial Submissions

What is a Partial Submission?

This feature is exclusively available with selected pricing plans.

A Partial Submission is a record of when a respondent began answering questions on the form, but did not click the "Submit" button at the end of the form.

Partial Submissions aren't considered "complete" records of data; they lack certain pieces of information normally found in a regular submission. They do not include:

  • "Submitted At" Date and Time
  • Payment Total
  • PDF Summary

Each partial submission will instead include:

  • "Started At" Date and Time
  • Last answered question

Unlike a regular Submission, post-submission actions like emails and integrations are not triggered. This means that Partial Submissions cannot:

  • Send Custom Emails
  • Generate Custom PDFs
  • Trigger Integration Actions

Partial Submissions are kept for 30 days.

Partial submissions aren't considered "complete" records of data, and therefore we automatically purge new partial submissions after 30 days on a rolling basis.

Should you wish to keep your partial submissions past this rolling 30 day period, you'll need to export these manually via your Paperform dashboard. If you'd like to do this regularly, we offer support via our API to view data from your partial submissions on each form.


Product Stock

Paperform allows you to see an overview of products Product fields on your form. You can locate the Products Overview by navigating to your Submissions dashboard, and then select "Products" from the sidebar.

Total Available Stock

This is the stock value entered for each product within your Paperform product field. This value will only change if it is updated in the field configuration in the form editor.

If no value is entered for stock, this will be shown as "Unlimited".

Remaining Stock

This value is the remaining stock when compared with the number of purchases for this product. When this value reaches 0, it will display "Out of Stock".

If no value is entered for stock, this will be shown as "Unlimited".

Allocated Stock

Allocated Stock is the amount of stock that has been purchased by respondents on your form.

Overview of the Paperform Products dashboard

Caution: Allocated stock can also be set manually. So, if you ever do set it manually, the allocated stock will not correspond to the exact amount of products purchased across all submissions for the form.

Modify Stock Levels

The "Total Available Stock" can be modified from within the form editor by changing the Stock property within the relevant product field's configuration. This is listed under the "Products" tab.

The Stock field in the field configuration menu of a product field

Reset Stock Levels

This option allows you to reset the "Allocated Stock" for a specific product. This can be useful if you sell products in batches, without the need to directly modify the form editor.

The reset button listed on the products dashboard to reset the allocated stock for a specific product

Analytics & Reporting

We offer all plans the opportunity to collect analytics with Paperform, however some features are restricted to selected pricing plans. All subscription plans have the ability to connect Paperform to Google Analytics, to learn more please see our guide here.

Exclusively available with selected pricing plans, Paperform offers built-in analytics and reporting features directly via your dashboard. With these plans, you also have the option to use your own analytics scripts by following our guide here.

All of our help center articles for "analytics" can be found here.


Setting up your report

Paperform's built-in reporting feature offers insights into how respondents answered questions on your form.

You can generate customized reports depending on your needs. When creating your report, you can:

  • Choose which questions are included in the report.
  • Filter responses by date range.
  • Create and compare segments of data.

To set up your reports, click on "New Report" to start from scratch, or click on an existing one across the top of the page.

Choosing which questions are included in the report

There is also an eye icon next to each question title that you can use to hide the question.

Link and Eye icons in the Report dashboard.

You can make the question visible again from the Report Setup page, which you can access by clicking the three dots at the top right of the page. This will allow you to toggle on/off question visibility in the report.

Report setup in the Report dashboard.

Note: The Report Setup page also gives you a count of how many times each question was answered.

Filter responses by date range.

By default, all data is included in the report. You can filter responses by specifying a date range.

Choose a date range field in the Report dashboard.

Creating and comparing segments

A segment is a group of responses that have been filtered with different rules. Click on the + icon to create new segments and save them. The segments that are visible will be compared in the report. To hide a segment, click the three dots next to the segment name and click "Hide."

Segments in the Report dashboard.

Note: You may wish to segment your data by UTM parameters. To do this, you will need to capture those parameters using Hidden Fields. Learn more about capturing UTM parameters.

What's in the report?

Breakdown of responses by Question

Below the summary, you will find a breakdown of responses by individual question. Under each question in the reports section, there’s data regarding how many times it was answered, how many times it was skipped, and if applicable, an overall result.

  • Answered - This is the number of times a question was answered.
  • Skipped - This is the number of times the question was not answered.

By default, all questions require an answer, but you can make a question required or optional on your forms.

Next to the question name and the eye icon, there’s a link icon that allows you to copy a link directly to this section of the report, to easily reference later on.

Link and Eye icons in the Report dashboard.

Depending on whether the question contains fixed answers or user-inputted answers, what you see on the report will look a bit different.

Fixed-answer questions

Fixed answers or quantitative answers will summarize the data with a bar chart, along with the basic stats like how many questions were answered vs skipped. A breakdown of the answers by percentage is displayed in a table underneath.

Fixed answers with visual chart and details below it

Examples of question types with fixed answers:

  • Country
  • Dropdown
  • Matrix
  • Multiple choice
  • Product
  • Ranking
  • Rating
  • Scale
  • Slider
  • Subscription
  • Yes/No

User-input questions

If the question requests input from the person filling out the form, it is a qualitative question. Included with these questions are the basic statistics of how many were answered vs. skipped. A "Details" tab will be available when accessing the report from the browser which will list each individual answer.

Note: The "Details" portion is not included in the print-ready version of the report, to avoid generating a potentially infinitely long list of answers. To print a copy of qualitative data, you will need to export your submissions as a CSV from the "Submissions" tab.

Open-ended answers with question above and answers below.

These types of questions are:

  • Text
  • URL
  • Email
  • Address
  • Color Picker
  • Date/Time
  • Image
  • Number
  • Phone number
  • Price
  • Signature

Note: We don’t currently support reporting for File Upload, Calculation, Hidden, or Appointment fields.

Exporting your report

If you'd like to export your Reports, click the three dots on the top right of the page. This will produce a printable version of the page for your browser.

Note: This print-ready version of the report excludes the "Details" portion of qualitative questions.


The Analytics dashboard offers a detailed look at how many people have submitted your form, using intuitive graphing to make data easy to understand. This feature is exclusively available with selected pricing plans.

An overview of the Paperform Analytics page on your account dashboard.

Using Analytics


You can apply a number of filters to your results to help analyze data from your form. These include filtering by any of the following options:

An overview of the filtering options available on the Analytics page for your form

Device Type

The type of device a respondent used to complete your form. You can sort by:

  • All Devices
  • Mobile Devices
  • Tablet Devices
  • Desktop Devices
The list of device filters available on the analytics dashboard

This can be helpful for identifying where respondents are most likely to use your forms, based on the type of device used.

Date Range

The date range for viewing your form data. You can set this using the calendar presented by clicking the button shown below:

An example of the calendar selection widget on the analytics dashboard, used to filter results

This can be helpful when generating your own reports for a specific date range or quarter of the year.

Comparison Date

This option allows you to add a set of data specified by a custom date range. This comparison data is shown on your graphs with a green line.

The dropdown filtering options for the comparison date on the analytics page

Y and X Axis

To fully customize your experience, the Y and X axis of the graphs can be modified using the controls in the upper right.

An example of how the X and Y axis filter options look on the analytics page

For the Y axis, you can choose from:


The total number of views on your form.


The number of unique viewers that have opened the form page.


For the number of Views on your form, this is the volume of people who began completing fields on the form.


The number of people who successfully submitted your form, using the submit button.

Completion rate

Of the number of people who started the form, this is the percentage rate of people who completed a successful submission.

Total sales live

This is the total value of any sales made on your form using a live payment integration, as opposed to a test account.

Total sales test

This is the total value of any sales made on your form using a test payment integration, as opposed to a live account.

For the X axis, you can sort by:

  • Hour
  • Day
  • Week
  • Month
  • Year
An overview of the analytics page, including use of the Comparison Date feature

The blue line on the graph shows results for the date range you select, while the green line shows the results for the comparison you have selected.

The green line will not be visible on your graph if the comparison is set to "Nothing".

Exporting CSV

If you'd like to export your analytics as a .csv file, you can do so by clicking the "Export CSV" at the top-right of the page. This will automatically download a file with your analytics results matching the filters and date range selected.

The Export CSV button listed on the analytics page

Drop-off Questions

If you have Partial Submissions captured from your form, a section will appear below your analytics graphs labeled "Drop-off Questions".

This section will show which questions your respondents stopped answering your form on, which can provide a useful insight for your analytics.

An example of how the Drop-off Questions section may look when included in your analytics

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