Analytics aren't working properly on my form

Having trouble with analytics on your form? Here are a few steps you can take to resolve common issues with Google Analytics and Meta Pixel.

When I test my form I can't see the events in GA / Pixel

  • Verify that your tracking IDs and/ or codes are correctly set-up in your form editor (Configure → Analytics).

  • Be patient! Events can take up to 24 hours to appear in some analytics platforms.

  • Check your browser settings and extensions. In particular, check if your browser has "Do not track" enabled, or if you are using an Advertising or Tracking blocking extension.

  • Use a Chrome extension to debug your analytics:

There are a lot of things that can cause events to not appear in your analytics platform. These steps will help you identify the possible cause:

My analytics numbers don't match my form submissions

Paperform honors browser "Do Not Track" instructions, and therefore if your form respondents have this option enabled we won't trigger analytics events for those submissions. These settings may be purposefully enabled by the user, or managed by third-party applications and extensions (such as ad/ tracking blockers).

Deleting submissions or resetting analytics from your Paperform dashboard will also not update your third-party analytics tracking, and thus you may have a lower number of submissions than expected on your Paperform dashboard.

If you're still having issues with your analytics, our support team is happy to help! Contact us via live chat (bottom-right of your screen) or email