What happens to my account and forms after my trial ends?

If your trial is expired, your account will remain dormant and retain your forms and data for 30 days. If your account has been cancelled for more than 30 days, your submission and form data may be deleted - we recommend exporting any submission results if you need them.

Form availability

If your account is in a dormant state, forms will not be live. That is, you and others will be unable to view the forms. A dormant state restricts what you can do and may have some implications for your data.

Form creation and editing

If your account is in a dormant state, you will be unable to create new forms or modify existing forms.

Restoring form availability and ability to create and modify forms

You can upgrade to a paid account to continue the creation and editing process, as well as make your forms publicly available again.

Canceling a trial account

You can't "cancel" a trial account as they automatically expire after 7 days. You may, however, file a GDPR request (outlined below).

Your Data

You may make a data request at any time by completing our GDPR request form at https://paperform.co/account/gdpr-request.