How is Paperform different to Typeform?

Typeform vs. Paperform

Check out this page that compares Typeform and Paperform, it even has a great form converter built-in, so you can easily see what your forms would look like with Paperform and allow you to import them should you decide to give us a try.

Typeform is an online form and survey-building tool that allows users to create contact forms, feedback forms, quizzes, polls, and more. Typeform's interface is designed to be user-friendly, and it offers templates and design options. Users can customize the layout, colors, and fonts, and add images and videos to make them more visually appealing. Typeform also offers a variety of form elements, including multiple-choice questions, open-ended questions, and rating scales. Typeform's forms are optimized for mobile devices and can be embedded on websites.

Paperform is an online form-building tool that enables users to create forms and surveys for various purposes such as collecting information, e-commerce, and booking appointments. It offers a wide range of customization options to design visually appealing forms that match the user's brand. The platform has a built-in design editor which allows users to customize their forms' layout, colors, and fonts. Users can also add images and videos to forms. Paperform provides a variety of form elements such as text fields, radio buttons, calculation fields, dropdown menus, and many more. Additionally, it offers pre-designed templates and a variety of integrations with email marketing platforms, payment processors, and CRM software. It also enables users to embed forms on their websites.