How do I access Paperform Analytics?

Users with selected pricing plans can access built-in Analytics from a form's Submissions page. We also support Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, and custom analytics scripts.

Accessing analytics

From your Dashboard, click the the "Results" button next to a form to view the Submissions page. Then, select the "Analytics" tab.

Screenshot of the Analytics tab of a form's Results. "Analytics" is selected on the right-side menu, and a graph covers most of the page.

What you can see

After specifying the device type and date range, you can choose from the following types of user behaviour to examine.

  • Views: the number of times the form has been viewed.
  • Viewers: the number of people who have viewed the form.
  • Started: the number of times the form has started being answered.
  • Submitted: the number of times the form has been submitted.
  • Completion Rate: the percentage of people who began answering the form and submitted it.
  • Total Sales: the total amounts paid in either Live or Test Mode.

Drop-off Questions

If your form has received any partial submissions in the last 30 days, you'll see a breakdown of which questions users were answering when they abandoned the form.

Export CSV

Click the "Export CSV" button in the top-right to download a spreadsheet of this data. CSVs are compatible with Microsoft Excel.