
Guided Mode lets you create forms and surveys that display one question at a time, making your forms more conversational and giving submitters a more closely guided experience. Many question types will automatically advance to the next page once an answer is selected.

How it works

Switching to Guided Mode

To enable Guided Mode, click Theme (droplet icon) in the top right corner of the form editor and select "Guided Mode" under Form Experience.

Guided Mode can be selected in the Form Experience settings in the Theme editor.

Guided Mode has different appearance options than Standard Mode, allowing you to customize your forms' Pagination and Submit buttons. You can change these by going to Theme → UI Elements:

Submit Button

  • Button Text - Change the text displayed on the Submit Button. This is set to "Submit" by default.

    The default button text for the Submit button is "Submit."
  • Shows the total price - Toggle whether the form's total price is shown on the Submit Button. This is enabled by default.

    When "Shows the total price" is toggled on, the total price will appear on the Submit button after the button text.

Pagination Buttons

  • Include a back button - Toggle whether a back button is displayed on your form. This is disabled by default.

    Pagination buttons consist of a forward button, and an optional back button.
  • Include progress bar - Toggle whether a progress bar is displayed along the top edge of your form. This is disabled by default.

    The Guided Mode progress bar appears as a subtle line across the top of your form.
  • Include page numbers - When toggled on, the current page number is displayed next to the total number of pages in the top right corner of your form. This is disabled by default.

    Page numbers appear in the top right of your form. This example displays 1/6.

Other Content

Content such as text, images, and videos that are part of your form but not part of your question fields will be displayed on the same page as the next question that follows it. You can add page breaks if you want to keep this content on a separate page or break it across several pages.

Advancing Questions


  • Yes/No - Yes/No fields auto-advance.
  • Country - Country fields auto-advance.
  • Appointment - Appointment fields auto-advance.
  • Scale - Scale fields auto-advance.
  • Rating - Rating fields auto-advance.
  • Signature - Signature fields auto-advance once confirmed.

Auto-advance with specific settings

  • Date - Date fields auto-advance when "Type of date input" is set to "Calendar."
  • Multiple Choice - Multiple choice fields auto-advance when "Include an "Other" option to specify another answer" and "Can choose more than one answer" are disabled. Terms and Conditions and Checkbox questions require "Can choose more than one answer" to be toggled on and won't auto-advance.
  • Dropdown - Dropdown fields auto-advance when "Include an "Other" option to specify another answer" and "Can choose more than one answer" are disabled.
  • Image Upload - Image Upload fields auto-advance when "Can upload multiple files" is disabled.
  • File Upload - File Upload fields auto-advance when "Can upload multiple files" is disabled.
  • Products - Product fields auto-advance when "Can buy more than one product" is disabled.
  • Subscriptions - Subscription fields auto-advance when "Can choose more than one subscription" is disabled.
  • Calculation - Calculation fields are hidden from the submitter when "Hide this question" is enabled.

No auto-advance

  • Text - Text fields do not auto-advance.
  • Email - Email fields do not auto-advance.
  • URL - URL fields do not auto-advance.
  • Color Picker - Color Picker fields do not auto-advance.
  • Number - Number fields do not auto-advance.
  • Phone Number - Phone Number fields do not auto-advance.
  • Address - Address fields do not auto-advance.
  • Time - Time fields do not auto-advance.
  • Slider - Slider fields do not auto-advance.
  • Rank - Rank fields do not auto-advance.
  • Price - Price fields do not auto-advance.
  • Matrix - Matrix fields do not auto-advance.


  • Questions with default answers do not auto-advance if the submitter selects the default answer.
  • When the "Include a back button" setting is toggled off, submitters can still return to previous questions on your form by scrolling up or with the Shift + Tab keys.
  • You cannot display two questions side by side when Guided Mode is enabled.

Example Templates

Consulting Lead Generation Form Template

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This simple form is designed to collect contact details intuitively and conversationally for lead generation and sales.

How it works:

  1. This form displays one question at a time and takes advantage of auto-advancing in Guided Mode by using Multiple Choice questions with images.

Movie Quiz Template

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This quiz template tracks scoring, provides answer feedback and uses visibility logic based on the submitter's score.

How it works:

  1. This form has 15 questions, presented one at a time. Using our Scoring feature, each correct answer adds 1 point to the total score.
  2. The form is split into rounds, after which the correct answers are displayed using Multiple Choice questions with default answers and the cumulative score.
  3. A different page is displayed based on the score using page visibility logic.

Driving Lesson Appointment Form Template

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This template helps to streamline the process of collecting appointments from clients and taking payments. When the Appointment Field is connected to a Google Calendar, you can automatically block off dates as they're booked.

How it works:

  1. Submitters are presented with one question at a time.
  2. This template contains page visibility logic. If the submitter indicates they are a new student, they are prompted to enter their address, license number, transmission preference and agree to the terms and conditions. This page is hidden if they are an existing student.
  3. This form also contains an Appointment Field, which can be connected to Google Calendar to set availability and automatically block off dates as they're booked.
  4. Submitters are then presented with a Price Field, which can be connected to a payment account to accept payments directly from your form.