How can I copy my form to another account?

If you've ever created a great form or build form on behalf of a client, you may have wanted to be able to send that person a copy of your form. By sharing your form as a template, you can effectively "copy" a form to another account.

This feature requires the sharer — but not the recipient — to be on an active, paid plan.

How do I share my form as a template?

  1. Navigate to Share → Template from the editor of the form you want to share.

  2. Select from the following options:

    • Disabled (default): No one can make a copy of the form
    • Anyone with the link: Anyone with the sharing link can make a copy of the form
    • Restricted: Only the accounts that match the specified email address(es) may make a copy of the form
  3. Publish the form to save the sharing settings.

  4. Copy the link and send it to someone!

    To add a button to allow any user to copy your public form to their account, toggle on the "Display 'Use Template' button on form".

What's excluded in a copy

By default, none of the additional features are toggled on. Optionally, you may toggle one or more of them on, allowing them to be included in the copy.

Some features are not included in a copy regardless of settings, including:

  • Submission data
  • Payment accounts
  • Integrations
  • Zaps

Why isn't it working?

There are some things that may prevent your form from being shared with the intended recipient(s) or cause a copy to look or behave differently once copied. If that occurs, the list below should get you back up and running or clear up confusion about the process.

Sharing type

If you have template sharing disabled, no one can make a copy of it, even if you have a sharing link from when you had it set to another type.

Email address restriction

Verify that you are separating multiple email addresses by a comma. Additionally, double-check that the email address(es) correspond to the recipient's Paperform account email. If it doesn't match the email we have on file for them, it won't work.

Outdated sharing link

If you regenerate your sharing link, the previous one will no longer be valid. Ensure you're sending out the current sharing link as listed in its section.

The copy is missing configuration

The original form may include features that are not available in all plans. In this instance, when the recipient tries to copy the form, they will be prompted to either upgrade their plan or keep their current plan with the unsupported features disabled.

The configuration will still be saved on the copy in case they upgrade at a later time, preserving the work you put into the form.