Why doesn't my embedded form work?

There's a variety of reasons why embedded forms may not be working. We've compiled a list of the most common causes for your embeds to not appear within this article.


  • Check your website supports JavaScript embeds

    Our forms use JavaScript as part of the typical embedding process, so if the website does support these types of embeds, confirm that JavaScript is also enabled.

  • Check your embed code is correctly installed

    If your embed isn't working, the code you've copied may be missing some symbols. It's also worth noting some website service providers (e.g. Squarespace) have different requirements, and you may need to adjust the standard embedding code to suit your use case.

  • Check that you are using the right embed code for what you want to do.

    There are various options for embedding, including inline, popups, full screen, oEmbeds, and others.

  • Check your form is accessible via the direct Paperform URL

    If not, you may wish to check that your billing information is up-to-date to prevent unexpected disruption to your service.

If you've done everything listed in our Embedding Guide and the recommendations above, and are still having issues, contact us at support@paperform.co. We're always happy to help!