Slash Commands Overview


Slash Commands act as shortcuts for specific actions within the Form Editor. These are great for adding questions and other elements to your forms quickly and easily. There are four types available:

  • Questions
  • Content
  • Quick Questions
  • Quick Integrations

How it works

To use Slash Commands, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on a blank line in the form editor.
  2. Type a forward slash ( / ) to reveal the slash commands dropdown.
  3. Begin typing a command, e.g., /text.
  4. Press Enter or Return to add the highlighted option to your form.
The Slash Command menu will appear when you type "/" on an empty line. Pressing Enter/Return will add the highlighted option to your form.

You can use the up and down arrow keys or click to select a different option. You don't need to complete the entire command to add an element, as the highlighted option will be added to your form.

Below, we'll go through each of the categories of Slash Commands. Each listed command is given without the leading forward slash ( / ) for readability, but note these commands require you use a forward slash ( / ) in the form editor.

Tyling "/image" on a blank line will highlight "Image Upload" in the Slash Commands menu.

Available Slash Commands


Question Slash Commands add questions based on different fields to your form.

  • text - this adds a Text field.
  • email - this adds an Email field.
  • url - this adds a URL field.
  • yes / no - this adds a Yes / No field.
  • color picker - this adds a Color Picker field.
  • number - this adds a Number field.
  • phone number - this adds a Phone Number field.
  • address - this adds an Address field.
  • country - this adds a Country field.
  • appointment - this adds an Appointment field.
  • date - this adds a Date field.
  • time - this adds a Time field.
  • scale - this adds a Scale field.
  • slider -this adds a Slider field.
  • multiple choice - this adds a Multiple Choice field.
  • dropdown - this adds a Dropdown field.
  • rank - this adds a Rank field.
  • rating - this adds a Rating field.
  • image upload - this adds an Image Upload field.
  • file upload - this adds a File Upload field.
  • signature - this adds a Signature Field.
  • price - this adds a Price field.
  • products - this adds a Products field.
  • subscription - this adds a Subscriptions field.
  • calculation - this adds a Calculation field.
  • hidden - this adds a Hidden field.
  • matrix - this adds a Matrix Field.


Content Slash Commands add non-question elements to your form.

  • picture - this prompts you to add an image.
  • video - this prompts you to add a video.
  • page break - this adds a Page break.
  • section break - this adds a Section break.
  • h1 heading - this adds a Level 1 Heading.
  • h2 heading - this adds a Level 2 Heading.
  • paragraph - this adds a paragraph with boilerplate text.
  • adobe - this prompts you to add an image from Adobe Creative Cloud.
  • unsplash - this prompts you to add an image from Unsplash.
  • giphy - this prompts you to add an image from GIPHY.
  • html -this adds an HTML code block.

Quick Questions

You can create Quick Questions using Slash Commands. Quick Questions are pre-configured question fields containing specific titles, options, and configuration settings.

  • name - this adds a Text field with the title "What is your name?"
  • long text - this adds a Text field configured to display five lines.
  • terms and conditions - this adds a Multiple Choice field with the title "Do you agree to the following terms and conditions?" and the subtitle "I will always make you cakes." This field has "Can choose more than one answer" toggled on, which turns the radio button next to options to a check box. "I agree" is the only pre-configured option.
  • radio button - this adds a standard Multiple Choice field.
  • checkbox - this adds a Multiple Choice field with "Can choose more than one answer" toggled on. This replaces the default radio buttons next to options with checkboxes.

Quick Integrations

If you're creating a form specifically to integrate with an existing spreadsheet or database, you can automatically generate questions using Quick Integrations. Once set up, a submission Integration action will also be created to send new submissions back to the service you are using. We currently support Google Sheets, Airtable, and Notion. Check out our article on Quick Integrations for more. You can use Quick Integrations with the Slash Commands below.

Note: Field types imported from Quick Integrations may not match the expected field type if this cannot be extracted from the integrated service or if the provided field type is not supported.